Taste Of Madurai

Refund and Returns Policy

Effective Date: 06-09-2023

Return Policy

At Taste of Madurai, we are committed to providing you with the highest quality products. However, we understand that there may be situations where you may want to return an item. Please review our return policy below.

1. Return Eligibility

We may accept returns only under the following circumstances:

1.1. Damaged or Defective Products: If you receive a product that is damaged or defective, we may accept returns for these items. Damages must be reported within 24 hours of receiving the product.

1.2. Incorrect Items: If you receive an item that is different from what you ordered, please contact us within 24 hours of receiving the product to initiate a return.

2. Return Process

To request a return, please follow these steps:

2.1. Contact Us: Contact our customer support team at +91 86102 31992 within the specified time frame for your specific issue (damaged, defective, or incorrect item).

2.2. Provide Details: Please provide details about the issue, including your order number, product name, and a description of the problem. You may be asked to provide photographs of the damaged or incorrect product.

2.3. Evaluation: Our team will evaluate your request and may request additional information or photographs to assess the issue.

2.4. Discussion: We will discuss the return with you and determine the appropriate resolution based on the evaluation. This may include a refund or replacement, subject to our discretion.

Refund Policy

Our refund policy is as follows:

3.1. Refunds: If your return is approved, we will initiate a refund to the original payment method used for the purchase. Please allow 3-7 days for the refund to process.

3.2. Shipping Costs: Shipping costs for returning items are the responsibility of the customer unless otherwise stated in the return approval.

Non-Returnable Items

Please note that certain items may not be eligible for return or refund:

4.1. Perishable Items: Due to the nature of our products, perishable items, including food products, are not eligible for return or refund.

Changes to Our Return and Refund Policy

We reserve the right to update or modify this return and refund policy at any time, without prior notice. Your continued use of our services after any changes indicates your acceptance of the revised policy.

Inspection Guidelines for Delivered Products

When you receive your Taste of Madurai order, please take a moment to inspect the items you’ve purchased. Here’s what to do:

  • Check the Exterior: Look at the package or box from the outside. Make sure it’s not damaged or altered.
  • Inspect the Packaging: Ensure that the product packaging is intact and sealed properly. Do not accept the delivery if the packaging appears tampered with.
  • Acknowledge or Contact Us: If everything looks good, acknowledge the delivery to the courier person. However, if you find any issues with the packaging or product condition, please don’t accept it.
  • Immediate Contact: Instead, get in touch with our customer support team right away. 
  • Document the Condition: If you decide not to accept the delivery due to damaged or tampered packaging, take photos if possible. These images will help us assess the situation.

Your cooperation in this inspection process ensures that you receive our products in excellent condition.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our return and refund policy, please contact us at support@tasteofmadurai.com or +91 86102 31992

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